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Autore: Oggetto: brainstorming su mediateche

Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
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[*] Inviato il 24-7-2012 at 02:56
Fechterin Imke Duplitzer holt zum Rundumschlag aus————andytom

Fechterin Imke Duplitzer holt zum Rundumschlag aus————andytom

Degen-Fechterin Duplitzer zieht über alles und jeden her. Etwa DOSB-Präsident. Bach. Der lebe "in einem Pixiewolkenkuckucksheim". MBTUnd beim Doping würden mit dem Kontrollsystem nur die Dummen erwischt.

Degen-Fechterin Imke Duplitzer hat fünf Tage vor Beginn der Olympischen Spiele in London zum großen Rundumschlag ausgeholt.MBT auslaufmodelle Die Mannschafts-Silbermedaillengewinnerin von Athen 2004 wetterte im Interview mit der "Bild"-Zeitung gegen den Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund (DOSB): "Wenn ich mich mit Doktor Michael Vesper (Generaldirektor des DOSB, d. Red.) unterhalte oder wenn ich von weitem mal Präsident Thomas Bach sehe - ich glaube, die raffen das gar nicht mehr", sagte Duplitzer.

In einer ersten Reaktion auf die massiven Vorwürfe erklärte Christian Klaue, Pressesprecher des DOSB: "Es gibt von uns keinerlei Kommentar. Dieses Interview spricht für sich." Hinsichtlich möglicher Konsequenzen für Duplitzer, die in London vor ihrem fünften Olympia steht, sagt Klaue:MBT Schuhe damen "Ich denke eher nicht, dass sie deswegen aus der Mannschaft ausgeschlossen wird."

"Funktionäre wissen nicht mehr, was los ist"

Duplitzer meinte in ihrer Funktionärsschelte: "Das, was die erzählen, zählt für 0,5 Prozent der 392 deutschen Olympia-Sportler. Ich will eine ehrliche Debatte über den deutschen Sport. Denn: Die Funktionäre wissen gar nicht mehr, was in der Sporthalle los ist. Liegt auch daran, dass sie in ihrem Pixiewolkenkuckucksheim leben."


Die 36 Jahre alte zweimalige Europameisterin aus Bonn nahm kein Blatt vor den Mund: "Die Leistungen brechen immer weiter ein. Es liegt auch daran, weil das System völlig daneben ist. Wir werden nach Olympia ein großes Nachwuchs-Problem haben. Wir haben jetzt schon ein massives Trainer-Problem. Uns laufen die Trainer weg, weil sie in anderen Ländern viel, viel, viel mehr verdienen und bessere Rahmenbedingungen vorfinden."

Doping ist kinderleicht

Auch zum Thema Doping hat Duplitzer eine klare Meinung: "Wenn du ein bisschen Geld für Medikamente, einen guten Arzt und einen laschen Verband hast, wirst du nie im Leben erwischt. Und: Die Doping-Jäger können nur auf das testen, was sie kennen. Wenn du als Sportler ein Epo der fünften Generation nimmst, das irgendwo in China im Rattenlabor entwickelt wurde, MBT sandalenkannst du das Zeug fressen, was das Zeug hält und wirst nicht positiv getestet. Nur die Dummen lassen sich erwischen."

Die Fechterin wettert auch gegen das IOC-Verbot von TV-Werbung durch Athleten. "Ich finde das eine Unverschämtheit. Dem Athleten gegenüber ist das extrem unfair. Aber um den Athleten geht es schon lange nicht mehr. Olympische Spiele sind eine Verkaufsshow mit angeschlossener Rummelbude. Das IOC macht sich die Welt, wie es ihm gefällt."

"Olympia ist wie Sissi auf Sport gefönt"

Duplitzer glaubt von den Funktionären: "Sie entwickeln ein eigenes Werte- und Regelsystem, das sich immer weiter vom Olympischen Gedanken entfernt. Und genau den vermisse ich! Olympia ist wie Sissi auf Sport gefönt: Wer schaut sich nicht gerne an, wie die Flamme entzündet wird, wie ein kleines Kind eine Taube durchs Stadion trägt, alles noch mit dramatischer Musik unterlegt und auf die Tränendrüse gedrückt? Der Sport läuft nebenher."

Duplitzer weiter: "Das IOC behauptet von sich, edel, hilfreich und gut zu sein - dann sollen sie sich bitte auch so aufführen. Leider ist das Gegenteil der Fall. MBT günstigJede Bank wird mittlerweile verklagt, weil sie in Prospekten gelogen haben. Das IOC verkauft einen schönen Schein und lügt, dass sich die Balken biegen - aber es interessiert keinen. Die Welt will beschissen werden."
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Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
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[*] Inviato il 25-7-2012 at 06:06
Fechterin Imke Duplitzer holt zum Rundumschlag aus————andytom

Fechterin Imke Duplitzer holt zum Rundumschlag aus————andytom

Degen-Fechterin Duplitzer zieht über alles und jeden her. Etwa DOSB-Präsident. Bach. Der lebe "in einem Pixiewolkenkuckucksheim". MBTUnd beim Doping würden mit dem Kontrollsystem nur die Dummen erwischt.

Degen-Fechterin Imke Duplitzer hat fünf Tage vor Beginn der Olympischen Spiele in London zum großen Rundumschlag ausgeholt.MBT auslaufmodelle Die Mannschafts-Silbermedaillengewinnerin von Athen 2004 wetterte im Interview mit der "Bild"-Zeitung gegen den Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund (DOSB): "Wenn ich mich mit Doktor Michael Vesper (Generaldirektor des DOSB, d. Red.) unterhalte oder wenn ich von weitem mal Präsident Thomas Bach sehe - ich glaube, die raffen das gar nicht mehr", sagte Duplitzer.

In einer ersten Reaktion auf die massiven Vorwürfe erklärte Christian Klaue, Pressesprecher des DOSB: "Es gibt von uns keinerlei Kommentar. Dieses Interview spricht für sich." Hinsichtlich möglicher Konsequenzen für Duplitzer, die in London vor ihrem fünften Olympia steht, sagt Klaue:MBT Schuhe damen "Ich denke eher nicht, dass sie deswegen aus der Mannschaft ausgeschlossen wird."

"Funktionäre wissen nicht mehr, was los ist"

Duplitzer meinte in ihrer Funktionärsschelte: "Das, was die erzählen, zählt für 0,5 Prozent der 392 deutschen Olympia-Sportler. Ich will eine ehrliche Debatte über den deutschen Sport. Denn: Die Funktionäre wissen gar nicht mehr, was in der Sporthalle los ist. Liegt auch daran, dass sie in ihrem Pixiewolkenkuckucksheim leben."


Die 36 Jahre alte zweimalige Europameisterin aus Bonn nahm kein Blatt vor den Mund: "Die Leistungen brechen immer weiter ein. Es liegt auch daran, weil das System völlig daneben ist. Wir werden nach Olympia ein großes Nachwuchs-Problem haben. Wir haben jetzt schon ein massives Trainer-Problem. Uns laufen die Trainer weg, weil sie in anderen Ländern viel, viel, viel mehr verdienen und bessere Rahmenbedingungen vorfinden."

Doping ist kinderleicht

Auch zum Thema Doping hat Duplitzer eine klare Meinung: "Wenn du ein bisschen Geld für Medikamente, einen guten Arzt und einen laschen Verband hast, wirst du nie im Leben erwischt. Und: Die Doping-Jäger können nur auf das testen, was sie kennen. Wenn du als Sportler ein Epo der fünften Generation nimmst, das irgendwo in China im Rattenlabor entwickelt wurde, MBT sandalenkannst du das Zeug fressen, was das Zeug hält und wirst nicht positiv getestet. Nur die Dummen lassen sich erwischen."

Die Fechterin wettert auch gegen das IOC-Verbot von TV-Werbung durch Athleten. "Ich finde das eine Unverschämtheit. Dem Athleten gegenüber ist das extrem unfair. Aber um den Athleten geht es schon lange nicht mehr. Olympische Spiele sind eine Verkaufsshow mit angeschlossener Rummelbude. Das IOC macht sich die Welt, wie es ihm gefällt."

"Olympia ist wie Sissi auf Sport gefönt"

Duplitzer glaubt von den Funktionären: "Sie entwickeln ein eigenes Werte- und Regelsystem, das sich immer weiter vom Olympischen Gedanken entfernt. Und genau den vermisse ich! Olympia ist wie Sissi auf Sport gefönt: Wer schaut sich nicht gerne an, wie die Flamme entzündet wird, wie ein kleines Kind eine Taube durchs Stadion trägt, alles noch mit dramatischer Musik unterlegt und auf die Tränendrüse gedrückt? Der Sport läuft nebenher."

Duplitzer weiter: "Das IOC behauptet von sich, edel, hilfreich und gut zu sein - dann sollen sie sich bitte auch so aufführen. Leider ist das Gegenteil der Fall. MBT günstigJede Bank wird mittlerweile verklagt, weil sie in Prospekten gelogen haben. Das IOC verkauft einen schönen Schein und lügt, dass sich die Balken biegen - aber es interessiert keinen. Die Welt will beschissen werden."
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Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
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[*] Inviato il 25-7-2012 at 06:37
Aussies take positives from solid Tour——andytom

Aussies take positives from solid Tour——andytom


Only a decade ago, if an Australian finished seventh in the Tour de France,MBT it would have been cause for great celebration.

An Australian team in the race was little more than a fanciful dream.

It shows the extent of the Australian cycling boom that this Tour will feel slightly disappointing.

Defending champion Cadel Evans finished seventh and remains only the third Australian to make the top 10.

New team Orica-GreenEDGE managed every stage placing from MBT Shoes second to seventh on debut and continually tried to animate the flatter stages.

Mick Rogers and Richie Porte played crucial roles as mountain domestiques on the Sky team for Tour winner Brad Wiggins.

There were a record 12 Australian starters and nine of them finished.

But there were no stage wins and no repeat title.

Orica-GreenEDGE sprinter Matt Goss finished third in Sunday's final stage as British ace Mark Cavendish won in Paris for the fourth-straight year.

Despite not cracking the win, Cheap MBT Shoes Orica-GreenEDGE director Matt White was pleased.

"We're just missing a little bit of luck or a little bit of positioning to beat the fastest guy in the world, Cav, or ... (Andre) Greipel or (Peter) Sagan," White said.

"It's been a great success for our first year ... we've had a great year so far, not just to be consistent but we've really animated the race at times.

"From day one to today, we've certainly been a big factor in the Tour."

Team captain Stuart O'Grady said they had gained vital experience.

"It's the first time the nine of us have ridden together, I think we have to be really proud," O'Grady said.

"We've learnt a hell of a lot and experience is a major key to Tour de France success.

"You can plan and talk and have the will, MBT Shoes Onlinebut you need a bit of luck and it's what makes the Tour so special."

Orica-GreenEDGE have had a similar Tour debut to what Sky achieved two years ago - and that was rated a failure at the time.

Sky have quickly developed into professional cycling's most powerful lineup.

Wiggins became the first British Tour winner, team-mate Chris Froome was second overall and the team scored six stage wins.

"This has been, as everyone's seen, such a team effort," Wiggins said.

"Even today, Buy MBT Shoes it was an incredible group of guys.

"I've had the privilege to ride with them for the past three weeks; it's been an absolute honour."
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Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
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[*] Inviato il 25-7-2012 at 06:54
"I mercati? Conta l'economia reale" —————andytom

"I mercati? Conta l'economia reale" —————andytom

Monti in Russia, nelle prossime

ore incontrerà Putin e Medvedev


"Il politico guarda alle elezioni,

lo statista alle future generazioni"


«Un politico guarda alle prossime elezioni, uno statista alle prossime generazioni». Frase di De Gasperi ma frase ad effetto quella usata da Mario Monti nel primo giorno della sua visita in Russia ed alla vigilia di un lunedì ad alto rischio per le fibrillazioni dei mercati sull’Italia. Christian Louboutin venditaIl premier sembra quasi volersi tirare fuori dal dibattito che in Italia prosegue sull’idea di accorciare i tempi della legislatura - aprendo la strada ad una consultazione elettorale d’autunno - per placare l’aggressività della speculazione.

Già ieri palazzo Chigi aveva smentito seccamente che un Monti amareggiato pensasse ad una possibilità del genere e tantomeno all’ipotesi di una crisi pilotata per arrivare ad elezioni ad ottobre senza scossoni. E questa christian louboutin milano sera ha ostentato una calma laboriosa ai cronisti che a Mosca gli chiedevano se fosse preoccupato della riapertura dei mercati di domani mattina: «Domani abbiamo una serie di importanti contratti da firmare tra imprese italiane e russa: questa è l’economia reale», è stata la risposta del presidente del Consiglio. «Politica ed economia devono procedere insieme», aveva ricordato Monti in un’intervista all’Itar-Tass. Ma il premier, forse pensando alle dure misure prese dal suo Governo che produrranno effetti in tempi medio-lunghi, ha subito aggiunto un invito a non guardare nessuna delle due con un’ottica a breve termine. «È una sindrome non positiva», Donna Christian Louboutin Calzatureha assicurato il professore. Intanto pensiamo «all’economia reale».

Quindi calma e lavoro anche alla vigilia di una settimana che potrebbe essere di fuoco per il Governo. «Business as usual», spiegano da palazzo Chigi confermando la linea di basso profilo scelta dal premier. E non è un caso se questa sera a Mosca Monti ha scelto di incontrare a lungo il gotha dell’economia pubblica e privata italiana nei locali dell’ambasciata. Ma l’impegno del premier è a 360 gradi e la missione moscovita di Monti non è di poco conto: la Russia è infatti il gigante europeo dell’area non Ue e non Euro e anche quest’anno il suo ritmo di crescita si attesta intorno al quattro per cento. Un interlocutore privilegiato per Monti che ha ereditato il patrimonio di buoni rapporti - che non vuole disperdere - costruito negli anni da Silvio Berlusconi con «l’amico» Vladimir Putin. E proprio domani Monti avrà i colloqui politici con il presidente Putin ed il primo ministro Dmitri Medvedev. Energia,christian louboutin milano infrastruttura ed accordi economici nel menù dei colloqui. Ma anche un profondo scambio di opinioni sulla crisi dell’Euro e sulle intenzioni di Mosca di adoperarsi fattivamente per aiutare i Paesi più in difficoltà.
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Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
Utente offline

[*] Inviato il 26-7-2012 at 02:57
Philosophy of life: 101 wealth philosophy——andytom

Philosophy of life: 101 wealth philosophy——andytom

Money is only money, a usual thing

Early planning to do, Christian Louboutin vendita do not have money to say "

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Dream no matter how good, do not act only in the water, Flower in the Mirror

Times to select the appropriate way of managing money

Money to invest, rather than holding the money to sleep

Wealth is not how much.

Instead, your money can make you too much good

Intelligence is eternal wealth, intelligent people will never be poor

The value of money is entrusted to man-made

Youth and health is the greatest wealth

Good attitude to the mentality of the game money is money

Let the money flowing. More than an investment with an income

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way, the bulk of the well-

Always do a good job to get rich preparation

The sound of opportunity knocking at the door is very light, you should carefully to hear

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There is no free lunch

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Greed will only make you lose money

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The pursuit of wealth, money can not be blinded by

The greatest wealth in life is interpersonal

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Money ends up pockets is not rich

Always money to the pockets of gamblers

Get money on full independence

Have a steady income independent

The right investments will pay rich dividends

Get our hands on is their own

To avoid debt, as if to avoid the devil

Each inspiration is your source of money

Look for all business

Inventive, complementary points or fill in the blanks easier to make money

Want long-term to make a lot of money must be down to earth

Prudent financial management is a rich source of

He can, you can - finance and investment is not the monopoly of the rich

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Choi gas is more important than luck

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Not afraid of shops afraid of doing bad

The road of self-confidence, wealth of life

To invest in familiar territory easier to make money

The correct way of thinking is a shortcut to riches

Within our capabilities to invest in

Finance and investment should avoid blindly follow the trend of

Wealth is earned, not save the

Just worth going to adventure

Someone else's crisis is a good opportunity

Investment must first have the ability to resist risks

Always have to guard against transaction risk

As long as the money took to do investment

To retreat, to save the investment strength

Do not miss every possible money-making opportunity for

A long line to catch a big fish

Do the right thing at the right time,

In order to ensure to minimize the risk of

Once the right to earn profits immediately sold, and never hesitate to

Read the market will make you extra cash

Great wisdom to see the general trend of big money

For themselves the maximum effect is not wealth, but happiness itself

The spice of life and meaning to spend money to improve

Not only to make money but also spend money

Do not over the back of the embarrassing life of debt

Portfolio is to diversify risk

Can not make money, but it will not be compensated

Do not afraid that others will say that they mean

Saving every penny, the money is spent wisely

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Investment needs patience and perseverance

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Not because of setbacks and shake the determination and change plans

Cultivate the habit of a rational use of money

Advocating a simple life

Savings is the reservoir of the Scarpe Coi Tacchiinvestment
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Registrato il: 17-7-2012
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[*] Inviato il 26-7-2012 at 06:11
Life is the first non-stop journey

Life is the first non-stop journey

"We are on the road," a text, the American writer Henry Van Dyke wrote: "We are not at rest, we are on a journey of our life is a movement, MBT Shoesa trend towards an unseen The goal of a stable and constantly advancing every day, we will win something or lose something, even when our position and our character looks completely similar, they are in fact still in the changing because the only time the advance is a change. MBT Shoes Sale"" Since you first cast into the sea of ​​life even one minute of your boat there is no static; the sea is so deep, you can not find an anchorage place; So you can not stop until you reach the port. "

His wonderful text, Renzailvtu this view was extraordinary and profound interpretation.

A person, when he was born from the womb, wow onto the ground the moment, began his life's journey. Cheap MBT ShoesIn the mother rocking the cradle, and in stumble toddler; both in the classroom of an invigorating book sound, or in the field enjoy Ben play; regardless of the Imagination in a fantasy ideal, or in the harsh reality Pinbo; whether it is immersed in the bizarre stage show grace, or drink to taste the bitterness in the unfortunate adversity; whether it is diving, ride in the sports arena or in the bed much pain suffering; in the country and the people hard physical exertion,MBT Shoes Clearancevaluables or extravagance, dream life ... life ring in the passage of time soaring, Homecoming years pull you down the road to an unknown target. Upload your ship on the sea depicting your navigation track, the fate of God is planning the end of your journey.

Seemingly moving toward an unknown goal in life, but will eventually reach your end point of the unknown. Some died in the thick of the battlefield, some fell on the workbench worked hard day and night, and some down on the climb mountains, some disease ruthless swallowed,MBT Shoes Sydney and some died in the wind storms of the beaches, and some live in dreams disappeared, and some life behind bars is the end of his journey ...

Life is the first non-stop journey, no one method to predict where the end of the journey, no one method to predict when to reach the terminal. MBT Shoes Australia But you should at least be on the road to take their own cherished the process, shine!
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Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
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[*] Inviato il 26-7-2012 at 06:38
Life Subway: who refuse to taste

Life Subway: who refuse to taste

In the long journey of life, sometimes warm, sometimes lonely, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Warm and happy when people feel the happiness Tianmi, MBT Schuhelonely sad when people feel the sorrows and pain. In short, lived, ups and downs, no one can refuse.

In the intercourse of life, to be accepted and rejected for the case of two frequently alternating. MBT Schuhe günstigWelcome to accept the taste is pleasant, and been ignored rejected the taste of people feel bitter memorable.

In life, the bitter experience of all kinds of refuse to be left out. Have been in the job when the employer refused; in the process of looking for love been refused; misfortune met friends take the initiative to say hello when refused; economic difficulties to borrow money in the political been rejected by the people ...

When you look back on the past been rejected, could not help but to make themselves feel bursts of sad and uncomfortable. But on the other hand, you should also recognize that life is constantly being refused gradually to know themselves, choiceMBT Schuhe billigand constantly refused to grow up.

This is true.

When your job is rejected, that is your condition does not meet the requirements of employers;

Was rejected in love, it is not good in each other's eyes, they do not love you;

Be refused in the face of adversity Unfortunately, it is the people afraid of you hurt the people;

When you borrow money is rejected, it is afraid of your future is not the people;


Life was rejected every time, MBT günstigvaluables has its own reasons, who refuse to taste bitter, but not necessarily complaining. You must accept and treat correctly.

You be refused a job, you should accept, and to strive to improve themselves, to create conditions for the next job success;

Be rejected in love, you should learn to give up, rise up after the abandon themselves excellent, may have more to someone you love you;

Greet others in the face of adversity is rejected, do not blame others, to understand others, when the time to prove you are innocent, others will take the initiative to talk to you;

To borrow money was rejected, do not people have opinions, you want a good reflection on their own,MBT billig manage their own economic, try not to just mouth to borrow money;


Subway in life, refused to taste bitter, but you can not refuse it, you have to know themselves in the bitter taste is rejected, experience their own, gradually grew up in the manipulation of the bitter taste is rejected.

Refused life indispensable experience of life should be prepared to accept a variety of be rejected in front of one is rejected, do not be discouraged, MBT solartake it as a powerful driving force to move forward to meet new and greater challenges in life. !
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Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
Utente offline

[*] Inviato il 28-7-2012 at 00:47
Life Subway: who refuse to taste

Life Subway: who refuse to taste

In the long journey of life, sometimes warm, sometimes lonely, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Warm and happy when people feel the happiness Tianmi, MBT Schuhelonely sad when people feel the sorrows and pain. In short, lived, ups and downs, no one can refuse.

In the intercourse of life, to be accepted and rejected for the case of two frequently alternating. MBT Schuhe günstigWelcome to accept the taste is pleasant, and been ignored rejected the taste of people feel bitter memorable.

In life, the bitter experience of all kinds of refuse to be left out. Have been in the job when the employer refused; in the process of looking for love been refused; misfortune met friends take the initiative to say hello when refused; economic difficulties to borrow money in the political been rejected by the people ...

When you look back on the past been rejected, could not help but to make themselves feel bursts of sad and uncomfortable. But on the other hand, you should also recognize that life is constantly being refused gradually to know themselves, choiceMBT Schuhe billigand constantly refused to grow up.

This is true.

When your job is rejected, that is your condition does not meet the requirements of employers;

Was rejected in love, it is not good in each other's eyes, they do not love you;

Be refused in the face of adversity Unfortunately, it is the people afraid of you hurt the people;

When you borrow money is rejected, it is afraid of your future is not the people;


Life was rejected every time, MBT günstigvaluables has its own reasons, who refuse to taste bitter, but not necessarily complaining. You must accept and treat correctly.

You be refused a job, you should accept, and to strive to improve themselves, to create conditions for the next job success;

Be rejected in love, you should learn to give up, rise up after the abandon themselves excellent, may have more to someone you love you;

Greet others in the face of adversity is rejected, do not blame others, to understand others, when the time to prove you are innocent, others will take the initiative to talk to you;

To borrow money was rejected, do not people have opinions, you want a good reflection on their own,MBT billig manage their own economic, try not to just mouth to borrow money;


Subway in life, refused to taste bitter, but you can not refuse it, you have to know themselves in the bitter taste is rejected, experience their own, gradually grew up in the manipulation of the bitter taste is rejected.

Refused life indispensable experience of life should be prepared to accept a variety of be rejected in front of one is rejected, do not be discouraged, MBT solartake it as a powerful driving force to move forward to meet new and greater challenges in life. !
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Risposte: 45
Registrato il: 17-7-2012
Utente offline

[*] Inviato il 28-7-2012 at 01:14
Philosophy of life: 101 wealth philosophy

Philosophy of life: 101 wealth philosophy——andytom

Money is only money, a usual thing

Early planning to do, Christian Louboutin vendita do not have money to say "

To get rich first dream of getting rich

Fiscal first penny placed in front of

A positive approach to the pursuit of wealth

Said to myself every day:Christian louboutin prezzi"I want to make big money!"

Dream no matter how good, do not act only in the water, Flower in the Mirror

Times to select the appropriate way of managing money

Money to invest, rather than holding the money to sleep

Wealth is not how much.

Instead, your money can make you too much good

Intelligence is eternal wealth, intelligent people will never be poor

The value of money is entrusted to man-made

Youth and health is the greatest wealth

Good attitude to the mentality of the game money is money

Let the money flowing. More than an investment with an income

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way, the bulk of the well-

Always do a good job to get rich preparation

The sound of opportunity knocking at the door is very light, you should carefully to hear

What kind of goals to determine what kind of life

Harbor strong desire of the rich

Rich is a choiceChristian louboutin italia

Rich overnight just unrealistic fantasies

Investment in a good state of mind is the patron saint of the wealth

Your investment habits worth millions

Together as more than trickle

Learning about money, budget, and to understand the point of financial knowledge

Their investment is the best investment to benefit

There is no free lunch

Will have a lot of wealth from this does not meet the

Greed will only make you lose money

Time than money, Scarpe Christian Louboutin

Money price of the bonds of friendship is priceless - treasure her friends

The pursuit of wealth, money can not be blinded by

The greatest wealth in life is interpersonal

Lifelong investment to wealth, success in life

A positive mental attitude is the key to wealth creation

Money ends up pockets is not rich

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[*] Inviato il 28-7-2012 at 01:38
Life is the first non-stop journey

Life is the first non-stop journey

"We are on the road," a text, the American writer Henry Van Dyke wrote: "We are not at rest, we are on a journey of our life is a movement, MBT Shoesa trend towards an unseen The goal of a stable and constantly advancing every day, we will win something or lose something, even when our position and our character looks completely similar, they are in fact still in the changing because the only time the advance is a change. MBT Shoes Sale"" Since you first cast into the sea of ​​life even one minute of your boat there is no static; the sea is so deep, you can not find an anchorage place; So you can not stop until you reach the port. "

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[*] Inviato il 30-7-2012 at 01:23
Delusione nuoto: Pellegrini quinta "Fa male, ora mi fermo un anno"———andytom

Delusione nuoto: Pellegrini quinta

"Fa male, ora mi fermo un anno"

Federica, nella gara a lei meno congeniale, non è riuscita

a tenere il ritmo delle rivali

Il vicecampione del mondo era

arrivato in finale con il 2° tempo

Spenta, quasi svuotata, Christian Louboutin venditadi nuovo in lotta con quell'acqua su cui, da sirena, invece tante volte è scivolata gridando al mondo che come lei nessuna mai. Di alti e bassi, schiaffi e carezze Federica Pellegrini ne ha vissuti tanti: ma adesso, a 24 anni da compiere tra pochi giorni, la sua terza Olimpiade sembra quasi quella dei saluti. A Londra i Giochi per la regina del nuoto azzurro sono appena cominciati, il tono però è da titoli di coda: i 400 stile, la sua gara-tormento, quella dell'ansia e degli attacchi di panico, si chiudono al quinto posto, come quattro anni fa a Pechino. Ma ora sembra tutto diverso: non c'è rabbia, ma dolore. «Non ne avevo più, sicuramente fa male» dice appena fuori dall'acqua,Christian louboutin prezzi con lo sguardo un po' perso di chi, pugni sul petto, da quell'acqua è abituata a uscire vincente.

E invece si ritrova dietro, ricacciata in basso dalle scatenate Camille Muffat, oro annunciato, Allison Schmitt, Rebecca Adlington e addirittura la danese Lotte Friise, la danesona macina chilometri, tutta potenza e poca grazia, che Miss Pellegrini in vita sua non si era mai ritrovata davanti. «Mi fa rabbia aver dato tanto e non aver raccolto niente - si lascia scappare l'azzurra - i tempi in allenamento sono buoni, la verità è che non riesco più a trasferirli in gara. Non fa rabbia la sconfitta, sono stata battuta tante volte, certo farmi superare anche dalla Friis, proprio lei che non c'è mai riuscita...». Anche a Pechino i 400 erano stati un flop,Christian louboutin italia e poi ci fu l'exploit dei 200: ma tra quei Giochi e questi c'è stato di tutto, e non solo il doppio titolo iridato. La morte choc di Alberto Castagnetti, quel vuoto improvviso colmato con una ricerca matta e disperatissima di un tecnico: due anni tormentati con cambiamenti improvvisi: da Stefano Morini alla fuga a Parigi con Philippe Lucas, per tornare a casa agli ordini di Federico Bonifacenti, licenziato ancora prima di cominciare a nuotare. Poi l'ennesima virata: Roma, a bordovasca Claudio Rossetto, nel cuore Filippo Magnini.

E adesso un'Olimpiade che non le regala il sorriso. «Ho dato tutto, sono delusa perché si poteva vincere con 4'01», Scarpe Christian Louboutinnon ci sono riuscita e va bene, anzi no - dice - di più comunque non avrei potuto fare. Ma fisicamente sto bene, non cerco scuse e non voglio dare colpe, escludo categoricamente che sia un problema mentale. Se ci sono colpe sono mie. Sono entrata per fare una gara d'attacco, non ne avevo più''. Adesso quell'anno sabbatico che aveva già annunciato per riprendersi in mano la sua vita, diventa una via di fuga dal nuoto? A Londra anche altri big hanno dato segni di cedimento, Michael Phelps su tutti. «Il nuoto è l'amore della mia vita, più che ricambio generazionale direi affaticamento dei veterani - abbozza un sorriso Federica - lui forse smetterà, io di anni ne ho meno e posso permettermi, se volessi, di ricominciare. Certo se il riposo dovesse piacermi...». Una battuta che suona come un pensiero ad alta voce. «Ho perso tante volte in carriera e ora sono pronta a voltare pagina, bisogna crederci». Non c'è la grinta della leonessa di un tempo, ma c'è poco tempo per mettersi a pensare: ci sono subito i 200, un titolo olimpico da difendere,Scarpe Coi Tacchi e l'orgoglio, più che la rabbia, da far riaffiorare sull'acqua. Di nuovo alleata e non nemica.

Solo settimo Scozzoli nei 100 rana

L'azzurro Fabio Scozzoli si è invece piazzato al settimo posto della finale dei 100 metri rana di Londra 2012, vinta dal sudafricano Cameron Van der Burgh.  In finale Fabio ci era arrivato non senza fatica. Il vicecampione del mondo aveva infatti chiuso le batterie con il dodicesimo tempo. Meglio la semifinale, terminata invece con il secondo tempo assoluto con 59"44, dietro al sudafricano Van den Burgh che ha stabilito il nuovo record olimpico con 58"83. «Gli standard si sono alzati - aveva detto Scozzoli - sono andati tutti più forte di quello che pensavo,Scarpe tacco io sono contento, l'importante era entrare: mi sono visto bene». 
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[*] Inviato il 30-7-2012 at 02:04
Zwei Weltrekorde und eine Staffel-Sensation———andytom

Zwei Weltrekorde und eine Staffel-Sensation

Der Südafrikaner van den Burgh schwimmt Weltrekord und gedenkt seinem toten Trainingspartner. Den größten Coup landen die Franzosen, MBT Schuheweil Agnel auf der Staffel-Schlussbahn Lochte regelrecht vorführt.

Cameron van der Burgh ist als erster südafrikanischer Schwimmer Olympiasieger. Der vom Ex-Bundestrainer Dirk Lange betreute WM-Dritte setzte sich am Sonntag in London über 100 Meter Brust mit Weltrekord von 58,46 Sekunden durch.

Van der Burgh verbesserte die alte Bestmarke des Australiers BrentonMBT Schuhe günstig Rickard um zwölf Hundertstelsekunden. Zweiter wurde Christian Sprenger aus Australien vor dem Amerikaner Brendan Hansen. Der Japaner Kosuke Kitajima schwamm nur auf Platz fünf. Er hätte der erste Schwimmer überhaupt werden können, der drei Olympiasiege auf einer Strecke in Serie schafft.

Van der Burgh gedachte in der Stunde seines größten Triumphes in London seines im April verstorbenen norwegischen Trainingskollegen Alexander Dale Oen. "Ich muss Alexander heute danken. MBT Schuhe billigEr war in diesem Jahr an meiner Seite, hat mich im Training angetrieben. Ich denke, er hat mir geholfen, das Rennen so stark zu beenden", sagte Schwimmer van der Burgh. Dale Oen war am 26. April nach einer Trainingseinheit tot in der Dusche aufgefunden worden.

Agnel mit Gold-Spurt gegen Lochte

Die französischen Freistilschwimmer sind sensationell Staffel-Olympiasieger über 4 x 100 Meter geworden. Der überragende Schlussschwimmer Yannick Agnel führte das Quartett mit einer Zeit von 3:09,33 Minuten zu Gold und zog dabei auf der letzten Bahn in phänomenaler Manier an 400-Meter-Olympiasieger Ryan Lochte vorbei.

Die USA, MBT günstigbei denen neben Lochte auch der nunmehr 17-malige Olympia-Medaillengewinner Michael Phelps mitschwomm, schlugen als zweite in 3:10,38 Minuten an. Bronze gewannen die Russen (3:11,41). Favorit Australien musste sich mit dem vierten Platz zufrieden geben.

Vollmer schnappt sich den Weltrekord

Dana Vollmer schwamm mit Weltrekord zu ihrem ersten Olympiasieg. Die Weltmeisterin aus den USA triumphierte am Sonntagabend über 100 Meter Schmetterling in 55,98 Sekunden und unterbot die alte Bestmarke von der Schwedin Sarah Sjöström um acht Hundertstel.

Hinter Vollmer gewann die WM-Dritte Lu Ying aus China in 56,87 MBT billigSekunden Silber. Bronze ging an die Australierin Alicia Coutts (56,94). Sjöström musste sich mit Platz vier begnügen.

Muffat gewinnt die 400 Meter Freistil

Camille Muffat ist zu ihrem ersten Olympiasieg geschwommen. Die WM-Dritte aus Frankreich triumphierte am Sonntagabend in London im Finale über 400 Meter Freistil in olympischer Rekordzeit von 4:01,45 Minuten. Silber gewann die Amerikanerin Allison Schmitt in 4:01,77.

Als Dritte schlug die Peking-Siegerin Rebecca Adlington (4:03,01) an und gewann damit die zweite Medaille für die Gastgeber bei den Spielen. Die Weltmeisterin und Weltrekordlerin Federica Pellegrini MBT sandalen(Italien) wurde nur Fünfte.
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[*] Inviato il 30-7-2012 at 03:03
Coutts third as Vollmer sets new record———andytom

Coutts third as Vollmer sets new record———andytom

Alicia Coutts secured bronze for Australia in the women's 100m butterfly final after American Dana Vollmer stormed to gold in world record time.

Coutts started slowly as Vollmer and compatriot Claire Donahue led early with a powerful dash in the first 50m, MBT Shoeswith Coutts trailing in eighth.

But she managed to first pull in Denmark's Jeanette Ottesen Gray before a late run saw her snatch third place with a time of 56.94 seconds.

In the night's other races, Emily Seebohm qualified fastest for the women's 100m backstroke, while Leisel Jones qualified fifth-fastest for the 100m breaststroke final.

But the headlines went deservedly MBTVollmer's way with a scintillating 55.98 second swim in the 100m butterfly, beating Sweden's Sara Sjostrom's previous world record by by 0.08 seconds.

China's Lu Ying finished with silver while former record-holder Sjostrom, swimming in lane six, finished outside the medal places.


After the race, Coutts said she was glad to secure a medal after a bad start to the race.

"I'm happy with a medal but disappointed with the swim,"
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she told Channel Nine.

"Wasn't as fast as last night. I choked on water with 10 metres to go so I was a bit disappointed, but at least I held on for a bronze.

"I just know I got a mouthful of water and I double-breathed, but luckily it was at the end; if it was after 50 I would have had to stop."

New world-record holder Vollmer, who famously carries a defibrillator with her at every race after being diagnosed with a severe heart condition as a teenager, was understandably ecstatic with her performance.

"I feel so incredible right now. The race felt great, I didn't know if I'd done it or not, it took a while to see the time, it was just even more than I could have expected," she said.

"I had a really bad finish, MBT Shoes Australiait was the one thing I was focussing on too, I definitely felt like I could go faster, which is really exciting.

"Swimming is a huge part of who I am and my life and what I like to do. I cant imagine my life without it."

Photo: USA's Dana Vollmer celebrates her world record swim of 55.98 seconds ahead of third-placed Alicia Coutts. (Reuters: Tim Wimborne)

Seebohm quickest

Australia's Emily Seebohm will start in the middle lane for the 100m backstroke final after recording the fastest semi time of 58.39.

Seebohm enjoyed a commanding lead early in the race and came close to challenging world-record time before finishing comfortably in front of China's Zhao Jing and Russia's Anastasia Zueva.

Fellow Australian Belinda Hocking also snuck in to the final in seventh place overall with a time of 59.79.

USA's Missy Franklin won the other semi-final with a time of 59.12,
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ahead of Japan's Terakawa Aya and Great Britain's Georgia Davies.

"I'm just happy to be in that final because in Beijing I ended up coming ninth," Seebohm said.

"[Making a final] is something I haven't done before. I'm really excited. I think it will be a great race."

"It's really unbelievable, I'm just happy to be here and obviously I'm doing something I love to do.

"I want to keep getting better, hopefully tomorrow night I can do something great."

Jones qualifies

Jones, who said earlier in the day she has been motivated by questions surrounding her fitness, qualified fifth fastest for the women's 100m breaststroke final after finishing third in her heat.

Jones's semi was dominated by Lithuania's 15-year-old Ruta Meilutyte, who finished with a freakish time of 1:05.21, MBT Womens shoesahead of Denmark's Rikke Pedersen.

Meilutyte, Pedersen and Jones (1:06.81) led the field after the first 50m, but it was immediately apparent that the young Lithuanian had the race in the bag as she stretched her lead to a body-length after 70m.

Jones briefly flirted with second place before fading slightly to let Pedersen in to second spot.

"I've had my critics along the way but I'm just so excited to be here," Jones said after the race.

"I'd have to say I love a bit of pressure. It was nice to be able to see them in the second semi."

The women's 400m freestyle final proved a battle of the middle lanes in which France's Camille Muffat triumphed over America's Alisson Schmitt, leading from first to last in an Olympic record time of 4:01.45.

Great Britain's Rebecca Adlington came in third with 4:03.01
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to capture the hosts' second medal of the Games.

Topics: olympics-summer, swimming, sport, england, australia

First posted July 30, 2012 04:49:12
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[*] Inviato il 1-8-2012 at 01:57

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[*] Inviato il 1-8-2012 at 03:09
MBT tacchi alti può aumentare la bellezza delle donne e il fascino fisico

MBT tacchi alti può aumentare la bellezza delle donne e il fascino fisico

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[*] Inviato il 1-8-2012 at 03:33
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Die personalisierte MBT Gesunde Schuhe

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[*] Inviato il 2-8-2012 at 01:29
MBT tacchi alti può aumentare la bellezza delle donne e il fascino fisico

MBT tacchi alti può aumentare la bellezza delle donne e il fascino fisico

Indossare i tacchi alti è destinato a giocare sui glutei delle donne, le gambe, dare forma e vita un ruolo di primo piano, Christian Louboutin venditarenderà più belle le curve femminili. Femminile la parte più interessante è anche quello di essere tacchi alti salienti di queste parti.

I tacchi alti può fare una donna un fascino sofisticato. Christian louboutin prezziLe donne scelgono di indossare i tacchi alti, spesso sono resi conto che molti uomini non sanno ciò che ha un forte interesse sui talloni, che indossano i tacchi alti può facilmente completare la conquista di molti uomini,Christian louboutin italia può facilmente raggiungere il culto di molti uomini, è possibile rende facilmente molti uomini eccitati. Necessità di fare tutto questo il prezzo è solo indossando un paio di tacchi alti, perché no? Essere in grado di rendersi conto che queste donne agli uomini e gli uomini di una certa comprensione del livello psicologico di certezza, a causa di una donna maturi sceglie i tacchi alti, tacchi alti è diventato un simbolo di una donna maturaScarpe Christian Louboutin (in questo caso si riferisce alla maturità psicologica). Agli occhi degli uomini, le donne indossano i tacchi alti aumenterà notevolmente il fascino di una donna matura

Tre scarpe col tacco alto grado di aumentare l'altezza, può aumentare la bellezza di costruzione slanciata. Negozio scarpe Christian LouboutinPer le donne in generale, l'altezza è inferiore a quello prevalente l'altezza generale maschile, i tacchi alti può essere esteso dal corpo bellezza percezione è corpo alto rende le donne più ricche di fascino. C'è un equivoco nella mente di molte persone, i tacchi alti per aggiungere l'altezza, infatti, sbagliato. Essere in grado di dire dalla discussione precedente, i tacchi alti può aumentare il fascino di una donna in molti modi. Non solo il personale diminutivo femminile di indossare tacchi alti cattivi donne alte possono indossare tacchi alti per aggiungere un proprio fascino, finché lei Buzhi Gao Yu troppo esagerato christian louboutin Scarpe Prezzi(più di 1,75 metri, portano i tacchi alti non ci sono più di 1,85 troppo esagerato, perdita della bellezza) è completamente in base all'altezza di indossare tacchi 10-16 cm, 1,70 può anche scegliere almeno 5-10 cm tacchi alti.
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[*] Inviato il 2-8-2012 at 02:00
Am Ende öffnet Michael Phelps doch sein Herz

Am Ende öffnet Michael Phelps doch sein Herz

Verwundbar, aber glücklich: Schwimmstar Michael Phelps legt sein Roboterimage ab und wird zum erfolgreichsten Medaillensammler der Olympiageschichte. Noch drei Finals, dann beendet er seine Karriere


Der Held war müde. MBT SchuheKein Wunder bei all dem, was Michael Phelps in den vergangenen Stunden und Tagen durchgemacht hatte. Noch am Abend zuvor war er zerstört und demoralisiert gewesen. Der erfolgreichste Olympionike der Geschichte, besiegt von einem 20-jährigen Südafrikaner namens Chad le Clos – Phelps war davon geschlichen, ein geschlagener Gott.

Nur eine Stunde später hatte er für Tumulte auf den Tribünen und nicht enden wollende "USA, USA"-Rufe gesorgt. MBT Schuhe günstigAm Morgen danach schlich er wieder durch die Halle – dieses Mal aber mit einem seligen Lächeln im Gesicht. "Ich habe nicht viel Schlaf bekommen, ich habe mir in der Nacht noch die Glückwünsche durchgelesen – das war ziemlich cool." Einer der Gratulanten war US-Präsident Barack Obama.

Michael Phelps ist endgültig der Größte. Beim Sieg am Dienstagabend im Staffelrennen über 4x200 Meter Freistil gewann der US-Star seine erste goldene und insgesamt dritte Medaille bei diesen Olympischen Spielen. Mit 14 Olympiasiegen war er bereits vor seiner Reise nach London der erfolgreichste Olympionike. Jetzt ist er auch der beste Medaillensammler. Der 27-Jährige hat mit 19 olympischen Medaillen die frühere russische Kunstturnerin Larissa Latynina überholt und Historisches geleistet.

20 Meter vor dem Anschlag fing er an zu lächeln

"Es war ein sehr emotionaler Moment und eine aufregende Reise bis hierhin", sagt Phelps. London ist für ihn jedoch Krönung und Demontage zugleich. Phelps’ Herrschaft in den Becken der Welt geht im Einklang mit seiner Karriere zu Ende. Nie war er verwundbarer, nie war er menschlicher – die Tragik von London macht ihn nur größer.

Die letzten Meter auf dem Weg zu seiner 19. MBTMedaille waren wohl auch wegen der Niederlagen zuvor die emotionalsten Sekunden in Phelps’ Schwimmerleben. Seinen Staffelkollegen hatte er vorher gesagt: "Jungs, ihr solltet mir besser einen großen Vorsprung mit auf den Weg geben." Das taten sie. Phelps sprang vier Sekunden vor dem Rest ins Wasser. Sein Team hatte ihm den Weg für ein triumphales Ende bereitet.


"20 Meter vor dem Anschlag habe ich angefangen zu lächeln – das habe ich noch nie zuvor gemacht", erzählt er. "Ich war schon immer eine Person, die etwas als Erster schaffen wollte. Ich will nicht der Nachfolger von irgendjemandem sein, sondern der erste Michael Phelps."

Seine Freude schien fast schon demütig, nicht überbordend selbstbewusst und weit entfernt von Arroganz. Phelps holte seine Teamkollegen für einen intimen Moment inmitten des Jubels der 17.000 Zuschauer zusammen, dann gingen sie auf eine mehr als 30-minütige Ehrenrunde. Unter all den Zuschauern, die sich von ihren Plätzen erhoben, war auch die heute 77 Jahre alte Latynina. Vielleicht hatte sie gar einen kleinen Anteil an dem Erfolg. MBT Schuhe billigBei einem Treffen in diesem Jahr in New York hatte sie dem US-Star eine Medaille von einem Länderkampf aus den 50er-Jahren als Glücksbringer geschenkt.

Phelps zeigt verblüffende Schwächen

Michael Phelps wird aus seinen vierten und letzten Olympischen Spielen aber nicht nur als der Mann herausgehen, der wieder einmal Sportgeschichte geschrieben hat. London erlebt einen anderen Phelps als noch 2008 in Peking. Damals war er vollkommen fokussiert, unantastbar, unbesiegbar – und vor allem unnahbar.


Die erfolgreichsten Medaillensammler der Historie

Er wollte achtmal Gold und schaffte es. Dieser Typ aus Baltimore sei übermenschlich, ja ein Roboter, hieß es. Phelps war zu dominant und perfekt. Er war ein Superstar und Vorbild, aber keiner, den die Masse in ihr Herz schloss. Wenn er denn überhaupt einmal verlor, dann war das nicht dramatisch.

Der russische Schwimmer Alexander Suchorukow hatte einst gesagt: MBT sandalen"Michael ist ein ganz normaler Mensch, nur vielleicht von einem anderen Planeten." In London sagte nun US-Star Ryan Lochte: "Wissen Sie was? Er ist einfach wie wir alle." Er meinte das nicht negativ. So banal diese Erkenntnis im Grunde klingt, so verblüffend war es dann doch, dass Phelps – wie wir alle – Schwächen zeigte.

Schon der erste Tag der Wettkämpfe geriet zu einer Demütigung für ihn. Phelps schlug über 400 Meter Lagen nur als Vierter an, während Lochte weit vorausgeschwommen war. Die amerikanische Zeitung "Los Angeles Times" titelte daraufhin: "Michael Phelps’ Flamme erlischt."

Dabei war es fast zu erwarten gewesen, dass es über die 400 Meter Lagen nichts werden würde: Nach Motivationsproblemen im Anschluss an Peking hatte Phelps das Training schleifen lassen, stattdessen lieber gefeiert und gefuttert. Bei den Weltmeisterschaften 2011 in Schanghai/China war dann nicht er, sondern Lochte der Star.

Phelps' Augen glänzen wieder

Nach der ersten Enttäuschung folgte in London gleich die zweite: Mit der Staffelniederlage über 4x100 Meter Freistil gegen Frankreich. Es kam aber noch schlimmer. Denn keine andere Strecke ist so sehr mit Phelps verbunden wie die 200 Meter Schmetterling, wo er schon als 15-Jähriger den Weltrekord verbessert hatte.

Als dann in London der Südafrikaner Chad le Clos (20) auf der letzten Bahn immer näher rückte und sich die Sensation anbahnte, war das Publikum wohl erstmals fast geschlossen für den Amerikaner. MBT solar Sie schrien und tobten – nach dem Anschlag wurde es etwas leiser. Phelps war besiegt.

Die Zuschauer hatten nichts gegen le Clos, aber Phelps’ Schwäche hatte den Superstar für viele menschlich gemacht. "Ich bin genauso geschockt wie ihr. Ich bin Michaels größter Fan", stammelte le Clos. Seine Lippen zitterten bei der Siegerehrung, er schluchzte und weinte. Phelps stand erst wie erstarrt neben ihm, der Blick leer und traurig ins Nichts gerichtet. Bei der Ehrenrunde nahm der Ältere den Jüngeren dann fast väterlich in den Arm.

Das Bild bei der Siegehrung der Staffel war ein völlig anderes. Da glänzten auf einmal die Augen des großen Michael Phelps, MBT Deutschlandder nicht einmal die Hymne mitsingen konnte. Noch ist er nicht fertig. Drei Finals wird er vermutlich noch schwimmen, bevor eine Ära endet.
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[*] Inviato il 4-8-2012 at 03:21
Non si può resistere al fascino di

Non si può resistere al fascino di

SHARP Sharp schermo ad alta risoluzione
Lo schermo non ha ancora annunciato ufficialmente i dettagli dei parametri, l'inizio dell'esposizione anche prodotto un groviglio, Christian Louboutin venditain particolare gli aspetti della risoluzione, hanno preso in considerazione all'inizio degli anni 1024 × 640 Questo 16:10, ma tenendo conto del diritto maggioranza del numero di utenti di rapporto di schermo l'abitudine
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[*] Inviato il 4-8-2012 at 06:21
Sie leben, alt zu sein zu lernen

Sie leben, alt zu sein zu lernen,

Sie für die gemeinsame Nutzung eher ein Hobby in ihrer Freizeit durch Foren, ich bin gekommen, um außerhalb der Ernte von mehr professionellen kennen,MBT Schuhe und hoffen, dass die Vermieter sehr viel veröffentlicht, ich werde Ihre treuesten Fans zu sein, und danken der Vermieter möchte ich lernen, MBT Schuhe günstigwie man mit dem Problem, durch das Forum umzugehen, lernte ich mehr, kommen in Kontakt mit den tieferen, MBT Schuhe billigdie die Kreditwürdigkeit des Forums hatte und dem Vermieter die Bemühungen
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[*] Inviato il 7-8-2012 at 01:19
OL, wie Anzüge zu tragen, um die matte Outfit zu brechen?

OL, wie Anzüge zu tragen, um die matte Outfit zu brechen?

Die Kommunikation im Frühling und Sommer, die Temperaturänderung, MBT SchuheKleidung ein bisschen peinlich, dünne kalte leicht zu tragen, tragen dicke, können sie nicht den psychologischen schön. Heute Autoren empfehlen eine einfache Mischung aus Kleid mit Jäckchen, MBT Schuhe günstignach Alter und mit Zugabe von Vitalität ins Büro.

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[*] Inviato il 7-8-2012 at 02:18
Dress: rings, necklaces, bracelets to wear art

Dress: rings, necklaces, bracelets to wear art

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[*] Inviato il 7-8-2012 at 03:14
Win XP di sospensione del sistema animazione soluzione

Win XP di sospensione del sistema animazione soluzione

Utilizzare Windows XP lungo tempo, in taluni casi sarà molto liscia, non sarà nemmeno rispondere a mouse e il funzionamento della tastiera.Christian Louboutin vendita Molto spesso è il sistema di animazione sospesa. E vero e proprio crash, animazione sospesa può essere quello di "salvare". Di animazione sospesa è radicata in explorer.exe (l'autista) dell'interfaccia grafica.Christian louboutin prezzi Suspended Animation, allora ci deve essere una soluzione, il sistema di salvataggio seguente animazione sospesa per gli amici.

Il primo: quando utilizzare Explorer per aprire la nuova cartella o utilizzare il browser per aprire una nuova pagina non risponde, Christian louboutin italia"Win D", oppure fare clic sul pulsante Mostra Desktop sulla barra di avvio veloce, e quindi premere F5 o destra sulla aggiornamento desktop che sia, può. Generale di aggiornamento 3-5 volte e quindi ripristinare la Explorer o la finestra del browser tornerà alla normalità.

La seconda misura: Scarpe Christian Louboutinquesto trucco funziona davvero, e può affrontare con la maggior parte di animazione sospesa. Quando il Task Manager aperto, il primo CD-ROM pop-up dopo la bomba in (non messo nel drive CD-ROM), il puntatore del mouse apparirà accanto ad un logo piccolo disco, quindi non mancherà di suscitare la coscienza del sistema, questa mossa Tuttavia, il tempo-testato!

La terza misura: l'arma di ultima istanza, utilizzare la combinazione di tasti Ctrl Alt Canc per avviare Task Manager, tScarpe Coi Tacchierminare la explorer.exe, e poi nella scheda "processo", senza ombra di un intero desktop solo wallpaper, icone del desktop e barra delle applicazioni , poi nel Task Manager "File> Nuova attività, immettere explorer.exe, può essere ripristinato alla normalità. Questo trucco può anche liberare risorse di memoria, prendere due piccioni con una fava.

Secondo il seguente metodo può ridurre Scarpe taccosignificativamente le possibilità di animazione sospesi:

Senza la destra del menu, per quanto possibile non tentare di utilizzare il tasto di scelta rapida, come F2 per rinominare e usare F5 per aggiornare. Windows MediaPlayer non hanno i migliori risultati di visualizzazione, spesso macchine card. Davvero si vuole utilizzare, quindi le particelle sono la carta meno probabile, si raccomanda di utilizzare la visualizzazione "particella". Negozio scarpe Christian LouboutinNon utilizzare il software di memoria di smistamento, e il sistema di finitura spesso più lento. Se davvero si vuole liberare le risorse di sistema, la cancellazione dell'utente corrente e poi riconnettersi è il modo migliore. Detto questo, vogliamo anche provare questi metodi.
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[*] Inviato il 8-8-2012 at 01:48
Conoscenze informatiche: 30 secondi per eliminare la spazzatura nel computer

Conoscenze informatiche: 30 secondi per eliminare la spazzatura nel computer

Facilità e Internet fluidità Avete notato che il sistema del computer lo spazio su disco disponibile è il giorno in ridurlo? Christian Louboutin venditaNon è la stessa del vecchio dell'azione Monkey King ogni giorno lento?

Sì! Windows nel processo di installazione ed utilizzo genererà un considerevole numero di file spazzatura, inclusi i file temporanei (come ad esempio:. * Tmp * _mp) file di log (Log *.),Christian louboutin prezzi File di aiuto temporanei (* gid), il file di controllo del disco (* chk.), il file di backup temporaneo (ad esempio:.. * il vecchio, * bak) e altri file temporanei. In particolare, il periodo di tempo non pulisce la cartella temporanea di IE TemporaryInternetFiles della cache del file a volte occupano centinaia di MB di spazio su disco. Documenti LJ non solo uno spreco di spazio su disco prezioso, e casi più gravi causare il sistema per l'esecuzione lenta come una lumaca.Christian louboutin italia Sono sicuro che di certo non lo sopporto! Blocco dei documenti LJ indugio ripulire il sistema per mantenere il sistema esile costituzione, la facilità e la scioltezza del Internet! Un amico Dai, ora dobbiamo lavorare insieme per rimuovere rapidamente la spazzatura sistema! ! Di seguito sono riportati i passaggi semplici in due fasi!

Start → Programmi → Accessori → Blocco note "nell'angolo in basso a sinistra dello schermo del computer, Scarpe Christian Louboutinil seguente testo copiato nel punto di" Salva con nome "percorso per scegliere" Desktop "Salva come tipo" Tutti i file ", il file denominato" Sistema LJ.bat rimozione "è completa. Ricordate che il suffisso deve essere un pipistrello, ok! La tua produzione più pulita spazzatura così tanto successo! Fare doppio clic su di esso sarà in grado di pulire rapidamente i file spazzatura, Scarpe Coi Tacchia meno di circa un minuto.

====== E 'il testo del seguente (questa linea non viene copiato) =============================

@ Echo off

eco è pulito comuni file spazzatura di sistema, attendere prego ...

del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. tmp

del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. _mp

del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. log

del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. gid

del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. chk

del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. vecchia

del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ recycled \ *. *

del / f / s / q% windir% \ *. bak

del / f / s / q% windir% \ prefetch \ *. *

rd / s / q% windir% \ temp & md% windir% \ temp

del / f / q% userprofile% \ Cookies \ *. *

del / f / q% userprofile% \ Recent \ *. *

del / f / s / q "% USERPROFILE% \ Impostazioni locali \ Temporary Internet Files \ *. *"

del / f / s / q "% userprofile% \ Impostazioni locali \ Temp \ *. *"

del / f / s / q "% userprofile% \ Recent \ *. *"

echo chiaro che il completamento del sistema di LJ!

echo. e mettere in pausa

Qui ===== finora (questa linea non copiare) ==================================== =========

Basta fare doppio clic per eseguire il file quando lo schermo viene richiesto di "chiarire il completamento del sistema di LJ! Darvi un" "sistema Slim! Tempo a guardare il computer sta rapidamente volare?

Nota: LJ è il significato della spazzatura! Questo trucco è facile da usare rispetto a quelli cosiddetto maestro ottimizzato! Negozio scarpe Christian LouboutinLa cosa più importante è l'impostazione predefinita di sistema ambito aziendale o di un computer in casa propria non danneggia i file di sistema.
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[*] Inviato il 8-8-2012 at 02:30
Computer knowledge: how to improve the XP operating speed

Computer knowledge: how to improve the XP operating speed

More and more as time goes on in the process of using XP, the system speed will slow, and some friends may think reinstall the system, BT USA but after the reinstall, so many applications have to reinstall, how enhance the speed of XP, do not install the system under the premise? As long as you are safe according to the following nine aspects of the operation, I believe that your XP will re-run at high speed.

1,  MBT Shoes Sale to accelerate the speed of the switch machine

Shutdown in Windows XP, the system will send a message to run the program and the remote server, and tell them to shut down and wait for receiving the response from the system began to shut down. Speed ​​up boot speed can be set to automatically end task, first find HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop, the key set of AutoEndTasks 1; then branch a  MBT Sale  "HungAppTimeout" its value to "4000 (or less) The default is 50000; finally find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl, the same WaitToKillServiceTimeout set to "4000"; through this set off significantly faster than a lot.

2, to improve broadband speeds

The professional version of Windows XP default is to keep 20% of the bandwidth, in fact, for our individual users are not that useful. In particular, let it idle might as well take full advantage of.

"Start → Run, type gpedit.msc, MBT Sandals  open the Group Policy Editor. Find the "Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Network → QoS Packet Scheduler" and select the right "to limit reserved bandwidth" and select "Properties" to open restrictions may retain the bandwidth of the Properties dialog box, select "Enable" and the original20 "to" 0 ", so that the release of the reserved bandwidth.

3, to optimize the Network Neighborhood

My Network Places in Windows XP MBT Shoes Clearance  when using the system will search its own shared directories and can be used as a network shared printers and scheduled tasks, and network-related scheduled tasks, before it is displayed so that the speed will obviously slow a lot. These features are not much used, you can remove it. Found in the Registry Editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEsofewareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExploreRemoteComputerNameSpace, delete its (printer) and {D6277990-4C6A-11CF8D87-00AA0060F5BF} (scheduled tasks), restart the computer again, access to Network Neighborhood, you will find a lot faster.

4, faster boot

To speed up Windows XP boot speed. Can modify the registry to achieve their goals in the Registry Editor, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters, and the right to find the EnablePrefetcher primary key, its default value of 3 to 1, Cheap MBT Shoes so that the scroll bar to scroll the time will be reduced;

5, self-closing stop responding program

Sometimes XP will prompt you for a certain program to stop responding to pain, by modifying the registry, we can let it turn itself off in HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop in character and health value is AutoEndTasks the numerical data is changed to 1 to re-write-off or start to .

6, to speed up menu display speed

To speed up menu display speed, we can set the following ways: We can HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop be found under "MenuShowDelay" primary key, Cheapest MBTits value to "0" can speed up menu display speed.
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