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Phillips Ranch Dental Group Provides Excellent Orthodontic Treatment

sweetyan88 - 2-7-2013 at 01:52

Phillips Ranch Dental Group Provides Excellent Orthodontic Treatment

Do you like to look at yourself in the mirror? Many girls often take out their compact mirrors multiple times in a day. They like to admire their looks and more than anything, they love genuine flattery! They wouldn't feel good about themselves if they had a autoclave sterilizer jaw misalignment or abnormal teeth. They can visit the Phillips Ranch dental Group to set up a consultation with an experienced orthodontist. The orthodontist is a dentist with specialized knowledge in tooth movement, facial aesthetics, and jaw function. Many of them are Board Certified! Some patients make the mistake of getting treatment done by their family dentist. Although, the family dentist will cost considerably less, they are often inexperienced and can cause further oral health problems!

Although, dentist Diamond Bar CA will use various tools to assess if you need orthodontic treatment or not, you can make an educated guess by yourself. Just look into the mirror. Crooked teeth and protruding jaws are the biggest giveaways! People that have problems chewing food, pain in the facial muscles or jaw, or have speech problems root canal endodontic also need to be treated.

What are the type of brackets and treatments?

The dentist Diamond Bar CA employs professional orthodontists who have many years' experience of treating patients. They welcome them in their office and give a free consultation. The orthodontist will tell you with fair amount of accuracy whether or not you need orthodontic treatment. He will explain the seriousness of your case. Some patients have even dental equipment undergone overbite and underbite operations! Most likely, he will advise you to get braces. He will also explain the different types of braces out there. These include traditional braces, lingual ("behind the teeth") braces and tooth-colored brackets. These days Invisalign is all the rage! It is a clear solution to correcting orthodontic symptoms. However, not everyone is qualified to get it. Your orthodontist will explain as to why the plastic aligners won't be as effective as traditional brackets.

What is the average duration and cost?

The Phillips Ranch dental group consultation will give patients a good idea how long their treatment will be and an estimated figure of the cost. Although, the duration varies from person to person, average treatment is two years. Some people get treatment for six months. There are pros and cons for going for a six month option so it is important to know what you are getting into. Many people are usually apprehensive about getting braces because of the 24 month treatment. They need not be put off by the time! Time flies by quickly and it is more important to solve the problem than to worry about the duration period. The average cost of orthodontic treatment varies from person to person. It may cost anywhere between $3000 and $6000. You will have to pay separately for molds and panoramic x-rays.