il FORUM di

their waste

nishi - 30-8-2013 at 01:08

<P>Bags 'already proving to be a success in infuriating birds'</P>
<P>agencies in Bath are being issued with gullproof sacks to stop their rubbish being pecked open and strewn across the streets by birds.</P>
<P>Traders which are agreed to the Bath Business Improvement District's (offer) New waste scheme will be issued with free bags, may perhaps hold around eight full bin liners.</P>
<P>A new operator has also introduced twicedaily waste selections six days a week, As well as more regular pickup times so merchants can better predict when rubbish will be collected.</P>
<P>It is hoped that more preciselytimed collections will mean bags and bins are on the streets for a shorter period.</P>
<P>BID project manager Les Redwood said it had already issued more than 120 sacks and people were proving to be a success.</P>
<P>he explained: "We started back in May so some of the firms will have had these bags for around two months and they are noticing an immediate improvement.</P>
<P>"The fact that they have these gullproof sacks and that they are putting them out at the right times, So may possibly be gone quickly, Means there was a dramatic fall in bags being ripped open,</P>
<P>Mr Redwood said there was still time for BID members to opt-in to the new waste scheme, Which uses national waste specify firm Sita.</P>
<P>It was designed to reduce the number of lorries in the city centre and BID says that it reduces average waste bills by about 50 per cent.</P>
<P>chris Harris, Who runs Jacob's low House, towards the Roman Baths, has just taken a delivery of sacks and said: "We all need to join hands. Everybody agrees that gulls attacking bins are an annoyance. Business are not looking for the mess, The council doesn't want the mess and residents don't want the mess,</P>
<P>Bath and North East Somerset Council is cracking down on both manufacturers and residents who leave their waste out irresponsibly.</P>
<P>Action includes early morning patrols of businesses, Raising awareness about why rubbish really should not left out overnight, And enforcement action against about 60 homes where waste has been put out too far in advance of collection.</P>
<P>The council has sent 157 warning letters to entrepreneurs putting waste out too early.</P>
<P>This was followed up by 48 statutory notices, Then 15 fixed charges notices and three prosecutions.</P>
<P>Action will also be taken against companies that put out their waste out at correct times, but don't secure it properly.</P>
<P>Speaking at a meeting now, Council officer Aled Williams said he would not rule out prosecuting that drop food to feed gulls in the city centre.</P>
<P>The council is also extending its rollout of residential gullproof rubbish sacks, With the majority of 2,000 ingredients already involved and a further Wholesale Jerseys 20 streets being introduced in September.</P>

Bennie - 30-8-2013 at 03:50

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